Dicco : Cytolyse
Cytolyse n.f. (du gr. kutos, cellule et lyse). [Cytolysis] Destruction d'une cellule par rupture de la membrane plasmique, sous l'effet de facteurs internes (apoptose.... See also individual types cytokines, 1012, 12t cytolysis, 38 cytotoxic antibodies ... cimetidine, oestrogens (DISCO), 276b disaccharidase deficiency, 181 discoid.... cytolysis (slightly aminotranferases increase) and. C-reactive protein concentrations were elevated. (10 mg/L). Admission chest radiograph (F.... To date 10 genes encoding lymphocyte granzymes have been disco... Cite Request full-text Serine Protease Control of Lymphocyte-Mediated Cytolysis.. cytolyse dfinition, synonymes, conjugaison, voir aussi 'cytolysine',cytoblaste',cytoplasme',cytologiste', expression, exemple, usage, synonyme, antonyme,.... The specific immune cytolysis in vitro of tumor cells grown as monolayers in tissue ... In some experiments, phytohemagglutinin (Phytohemagglutinin-P, Disco.... Property, Value. atol:definitionByCirad. any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of cytotoxic T cells to induce pathological breakdown of.... Disco-vertebral biopsy was performed for 72.5% of patients and ... of cholestasis due to TB treatment, Only 2% of the patients had cytolysis.. Cytolyse - Thme:Mdecine - Encyclopdie en ligne - Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir. ... [anne.decoster.free.fr/immuno/dico/dicoimmu.htm].. Cytolyse : destruction d'une cellule. Cytoplasme : ensemble du contenu cellulaire form de la substance fondamentale, le cytosol ou hyaloplasme, et des.... En cas d'intoxication massive, on peut craindre la survenue de troubles de conscience, de convulsions, d'une cytolyse hpatique et d'une tubulopathie aigu.. However, the presence of neurons dying as a result of cytolysis suggests that other ... I.B. Black, W.J. Friedman, E. Dicicco-BloomSequential trophic regulation of.... Cytolyse persistante aprbs traitement d'une HCA post virale C r6v( lant un granulome ... of cytolysis des- pite the viral eradication, probably related to the disco-.. The specific immune cytolysis in vitro of tumor cells grown as monolayers in tissue ... In some experiments, phytohemagglutinin (Phytohemagglutinin-P, Disco.... ... two tablets of ecstasy at a disco 10 days apart, and reported malaise, constipation, ... She had hepatocellular failure with a prothrombin ratio of 6.5, cytolysis,.... Cytolyse: dfinition. La cytolyse consiste en la destruction d'une cellule, due la rupture de sa membrane (plasmique), provoquant.... Synonyme cytolyse hpatique franais, dfinition, voir aussi 'cytise',cytologique',cyclostome',cynoglosse', expression, conjugaison, exemple, usage, synonyme,.... It can be observed that the benefits of DISCO and WT investor conflict, and more ... communication and cytolysis are implemented to ensure the diversity and.. Le terme cytolyse est employ pour dsigner la destruction des cellules. Les transaminases.. The reduction of cytolysis is reversible, but reexpression of normal cytolytic ... hemagglutinin (PHA-M; Dico Laboratories, Detroit, MI; reconstituted to 5 ml/ vial).
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